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Excellent Teaching in Action at UP

At UP, we believe that when teachers zero in and act on what students need to know, but don’t know yet, it leads to marked improvements in student outcomes. Through our annual academic priorities, this year, we are shifting the paradigm from “Did I teach it?” to “Did they learn it?”

Over the past year, we’ve been working on developing professional videos that showcase what exceptional teaching looks like in action. In the below videos, you’ll see how we are making that happen during our weekly meetings for staff to prepare and plan, and in our ELA lessons. 

We will continue to build our bank of excellent teaching in action at UP over the years by collecting content and creating more videos.


Check out these videos:


Intellectual Preparation & Planning Meeting 1


Intellectual Preparation & Planning Meeting 2


Ms. Lazerow, UP Academy Holland 4th Grade Teacher


Ms. Anastasi, UP Academy Boston ELA Teacher


Ms. Grossman, UP Academy Boston ELA Teacher


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